The world's most advanced alignment platform for AI.

Precise, reliable and controllable AIs that are not only safer, but more powerful.

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An API for self-correcting AI models

Make and keep your AI model robust

Aligned AI’s API can get your model shipped faster, catching errors and improving its robustness before deployment.

After deployment, our API automatically improves your models as the data environment changes.

Automatically improve it as the data environment changes.

Safe, precise, and controllable AI

Safer AI is more usable AI. If you can’t trust an AI to do what you intend for it to do, then it is not applicable for business-critical situations. That's why we're putting safety and alignment at the heart of everything we do.

Frontier AI

We are using novel mathematical and theoretical techniques to fundamentally reinvent and improve AI.

Our focus is to create the next step-change in machine learning: teaching AIs to hold human-like concepts, helping to overcome fundamental issues across the industry.

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